Rodeck 406 Engine Machining aluminum blocks for racing engines became John Rodeck's expertise and he became a major supplier for drag and circle track racing. John being a true professional, believes that his manufacturing facility should reflect his racing abilities.
In 1990, he moved his machining operations to a manufacturing facility in Paso Robles, California. Paso Robles is 200 miles from the smog of LA, and John felt this was important for himself and his workers. Warren Brownfield started this company in 1968 and was working with Ken Sperling who was doing most of the actual cylinder head porting at the time. Soon thereafter Warren started focusing all his energy on tooling up and getting the proper equipment to build aluminum castings.
In the early seventies, Ken decided he wanted the name, AirFlow Research, so he purchased it from Warren who continued to pursue the aluminum casting business (ultimately Brownfield Cylinder heads). AirFlow Research was the first company to start CNC porting cylinder heads almost 30 years ago. Ken then purchased Brownfield cylinder heads and AFR was now porting and producing their own castings. |